Is Working With A Remote Financial Planner Right For You? (YES!)
Obviously we are a bit biased, and think the answer is yes for everyone. We are built to do everything online, remotely, and provide the exact same service virtually that we do in-person.
But this isn't about us. This is about you.
There are a number of things you should think through before deciding if a remote advisor like Snowcap Financial is right for you. Let's take a look a few things to consider here before you make a decision on the kind of service is right for you.
How much do you already do online?
Chances are many of the services you used to have to do in-person you now do online and even through apps:
Going to the bank
Paying Bills
Car Shopping
Clothes Shopping
Grocery Shopping
(Insert ANYTHING) Shopping
Ordering Food
Planning/Booking Travel
Doctor Visits!
Happy Hour/Friend & Family Gatherings
Home Tours
There are very few things that you probably cannot or even don't already do online. This is just the nature of the change we see in the world today. It is just too convenient and too efficient to move to do things online and saving the time and many cases saving money in the process too.
Why wouldn't this translate to Financial Planning as well?
It's all online anyhow.
When you're working with almost any Financial Planner, your information is going straight online. Everything is scanned and all of your information is uploaded straight to online software. Sometimes you are given access to portals to be able to view the information (Snowcap Financial believes in transparency, you always have access to all of your data at any point in time through our Client Portal). All of the calculations, all of the sharing of information already takes place online.
It would be odd to not have this kind of access at any point in time. Any Advisor that guards the data or only lets you see hard copies or presentations in their office, and doesn't share it with you freely, should raise questions. You want information to be viewable remotely at any time.
What are the benefits of going to an Advisor's office?
It is important to think about what are some of the potential benefits of going into an office really are so that you are able to weight all of the benefits against the benefits of working with a remote Advisor.
Maybe you could find an office that had really good coffee. Their coffee machine may look a lot like your's but I bet that Costco coffee (nothing against it, I drink it myself) tastes way better in that office than coffee you'd make at home, or the local shop you could hit up to drink in front of your computer.
Coffee not your thing? No problem, their bottle of water (or tap in a glass) is top notch too!
Who doesn't love traffic?! A nice time to sit and think about life and have no stress whatsoever.
You get to use up valuable sick/vacation/flex time to trek across town and see an Advisor. The ultimate convenience.
If you live in a city and love trying to deal with parking, then going to an office you aren't familiar with is right for you. Can you park there? Can you use this garage? What about this curb, is that okay? Where is a sign?
If you are really lucky, then you will get to walk a bit to get to the building. Nothing more refreshing than a walk in the rain, or here in Colorado a nice blizzardy day!
Gas prices are creeping up these days, no better use of money than spending it in the aforementioned traffic.
Get dressed to impress, leave early to make sure you have plenty of time to navigate unfamiliar streets.
To get there during office hours, you probably did just fine beating traffic. Now that you're done with that afternoon appointment, you probably aren't going to be as lucky on the way back.
Your boss won't miss you for those extra hours either!
The best! Just the best! The advisor has to look busy, no big deal that it takes a few extra minutes to get you in. After all, that Folger's is tasting great in that fabric chair.
This nice office is expensive, but somebody has to pay for it. You, as a client, are paying for that office.
It is important to keep that in mind. Your dollars pay for that office. What do you get out of it?
Some people genuinely enjoy having that place to go and chat and feel like you are a part of that firm yourself. There is NOTHING wrong with that. But is that worth what you have to pay for it?
At Snowcap Financial, we believe in running a lean and efficient operation. By forgoing expensive overhead, we are able to run a more efficient practice, and get to pass the savings on to clients. We post our fees too. We aren't the cheapest, but we believe the value we deliver for the fees are incredibly difficult to match.
Are other firms doing this for you?
In Summary
We like to have fun here and poke fun at traditional norms that exist just because they exist. However, we really do believe that moving the Financial Planning experience online, and the value it delivers for our clients as a result, are the way of the future.
Our clients get the exact same service remotely as they would in-person, but the value for savings in time, frustration, and fees, not to mention that we are accessible no matter where we are or our clients may find themselves, really delivers an exceptional overall experience.
Many of the things you used to have to do in person have moved online, and in many cases service has improved. This can be the same for Financial Planning and Advice, and is something you should really consider in searching for an Advisor.
Ready to Start Working on Your Financial Plan?
All written content on this site is for information purposes only. Opinions expressed herein are solely those of Snowcap Financial, unless otherwise specifically cited. Material presented is believed to be from reliable sources and no representations are made by our firm as to other parties’ informational accuracy or completeness. All information or ideas provided should be discussed in detail with an advisor, accountant or legal counsel prior to implementation.
Photo Credit: Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash.